Here it is. This is the portfolio page. I've linked to it from my home page also (www.pitt.edu/~jkw21). It's nice to be done, although I may still tinker with bits and pieces of the portfolio for fun. It has links to the blog, Omeka, Koha, both fragments, a css page I used the external style sheet for the portfolio page, and then internal css for each of the pages showing the assignments we completed. It was interesting work, and at times frustrating, even the smallest mistake makes the style sheet not work properly. I am by no means an expert in html or css now, but I've learned that I can find the information I need to answer my questions, it's not as scary as it seems, and I am capable of learning it. I think I'm going to try the digital libraries course in the spring semester, and maybe information architecture or another info tech class after that. I enjoyed the work we did, even though it gave me a headache at times.