Yeah! I got in to Ref-works and was able to create an account. It's the little things in life.
So, I'm wondering what does the mantra, "completion not perfection" really mean? I'm pretty sure our grades are based on our proximity to perfection and not the mere completion of the material. This is a grade-based program, in as much as they use grades to determine our success. I'm familiar with a non-grade based program, and their evaluations were heavily weighted on personal growth and increased "understanding". University of Pittsburgh seems a little less touchy-feeley, kum-ba-ya than that. If someone turns in an assignment that is obviously completed, and in a timely manner, but struggling mightily in it's approach to perfection, how will they be evaluated? My instinct tells me the grade will reflect its accuracy and to take the platitude offered at the beginning of this course for what it is. . . an attempt to keep us from having a nervous breakdown.
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